Let's talk about Keeping Your Child Safe
The Law and guidance
- You have to be 18 to buy alcohol
- A young person aged 16 and above can have half a lager/cider when eating a meal and accompanied by an adult
- It is illegal to buy alcohol on behalf of a young person under 18
- It is illegal for someone under 18 to buy alcohol, attempt to buy alcohol or to be sold alcohol.
- If your child holds a party at your house with your consent, you are ultimately responsible for the young people in your home. If you are providing alcohol you are potentially committing a criminal offence
- The police can confiscate alcohol from someone, no matter what their age, if they believe it has been, or will be drunk by, someone under 18 in a public place.
Driving and alcohol:
- It is important that your teenager knows that there is no set/safe amount of alcohol they can drink and then drive. Alcohol affects people in different ways. Depending on how much water and food they have had throughout the day will affect how quickly they will feel the effects of alcohol.
- The best advice is not to drink any alcohol when they know they have to drive.
- Make sure that your teenager knows that if they have been out the night before and plan to drive the next morning they could still be over the limit.
- Cold shower, coffee, food and water will not sober them up.
- Penalties – If caught driving by the Police and they test positive for having alcohol in their system it is an automatic ban for at least 12 months and a fine up to £5000.