To contact the team please:
Telephone: 0121 569 2201
Mobile: 0750 078 5889
Text: 0778 147 2746
Or take a further look round this web site for more info about the services we provide.
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Who are the DECCA Team?
The DECCA (Drug Education, Counselling and Confidential Advice) Team are Sandwell’s young people's alcohol, drug and tobacco service. The team work with any young person that lives in the Sandwell area aged 18 or under and also works any agency that work with them.
DECCA cover everything from education in mainstream schools, to education in the community all the way to working with someone who is experiencing issues with drugs such as alcohol, cannabis, tobacco, volatile substances and class A drugs.
The key services the team offer are:
- General advice and guidance for young people and the professionals that work with them
- Educational harm reduction resources for mainstream schools
- Educational harm reduction sessions, delivered by DECCA as part of a wider programme, for mainstream schools
- Educational harm reduction resources for community organisations
- Educational harm reduction sessions, delivered by DECCA as part of a wider programme, for community organisations
- Training for workers and professionals, accredited and non accredited, also incorporating the ‘Every Contact Counts’ agenda
- Training for workers and professionals, accredited and non accredited, also incorporating the ‘Every Contact Counts’ agenda
- Policy and procedure development
- Support in dealing with alcohol, drug and tobacco related incidents
- Multi-media service - web sites, campaigns, social media etc
- Targeted brief interventions focusing on harm minimisation for those using alcohol and/or drug(s)
- Structured treatment for any young person using alcohol and/or drug(s)
- Substitute Prescribing
- Holistic Therapies
To make a referral to DECCA, or get some guidance if you are concerned:
The only thing we ask is that the person being referred is under the age of 19 and agrees to at
least meet with a worker, we cannot force someone into treatment.