Educational Resources


The resources above have been validated and awarded the Feeling Safe Quality Mark

Feeling Safe Quality Mark

Secondary School Package

  • All the resources you need are included and are listed in each area
  • There is a mixture of resources; some that you’ll need to print before the session, some you’ll display on your screen during the session and some that you’ll need to play as part of the session
  • The idea is you DO NOT have to be the expert, the resources do that job for you
  • If you do get asked a question and you are unsure how to answer then clearly state that you’re not sure what the answer is but you’ll find out; you can then contact us for support if you need to
  • These resources are designed to be delivered by professionals in existing roles with young people such as in school staff, community workers and/or members of the third sector. This will ensure sustainability of the programme and adheres to best practice guidance in the delivery of PSHE; namely that professionals who already engage with specific young people should deliver to those young people they work with to ensure the subjects are not seen as outside the norm but more as everyday matters
  • If you yourself feel you need support, then contact us at and we will get back to you as soon as possible